Sunday, 14 July 2013

I don't want to be a fat, drunk, broke bitch.

There are three things I know I definitely don't want to be anymore.

I don't want to be fat. 
I don't want to be drunk. 
I don't want to be broke. 

The first one I've been dealing with for quite a few years. This is a work in progress and I'm aiming for exercise to be my replacement addiction to take over from shopping. This is totally something that I'm linking to my money fuck-ups. I'm starting to find that how I spend my money is totally reflective of how I feel about myself and my situations.

The second one is a recent discovery. Normally its the hangover phase of this stage that people avoid but I've realised that its just a big fucking waste of money. I spend $5 on a glass of wine (and that's at a stingy-ass pub), I'd have ten drinks and get blotto. $50 later, my wallet is a bit lighter, and my head is very fucking heavy as it hangs in the toilet bowl for the next day. Its a waste of my time too. 

 Hence, my third avoidance. Being broke. Ergh. It feels just as bad as being hungover! But, apparently I'm scared of having excess. Yep, I'm afraid of having money leftover and scared of what I might be missing out on if I don't spend it on something. I can swear black & blue that I want to be a wealthy mother fucker but ultimately, I'm shit scared of having money sitting in my account when I should be paying off my car, or the mortgage, or buying a new doona cover, or a new pair of overpriced shoes.

 But the links become obvious. All those shit pop & hip hop songs that claim that money doesn't make you happy and it doesnt make the world go round... FUCKING LIARS. It totally does. Money can buy happiness, but you dont necessarily have to be rolling in it. The five bucks that you find in your jeans pocket on washing day will always make you happy, and anyone who claims that they don't get excited when their tax return comes back can blow it out their arse. 

 Happy with your body, happy with your mind, happy with your wealth. It all has to be in line to get your shit sorted, dudes and dudettes.

Jess x

1 comment:

  1. Jess: I do not know you...but it seems that you and I are similar...Yes, I agree with you : Money CAN and DOES buy happiness. It does not mean to be a millionaire. But God, when I have enough money each month to pay my bills AND on time, it makes everything so much better. Keep writing! Cheers!


Thanks for your comment! It'll be up here soon, I just need to make sure no spamming bastards are getting through. Cheers!